Microbial Enzymes for treatment
of non-recycled plastic fractions

Plastic produced
per year
0 Mt
Plastic waste
can be recycled
0 %
CO2 emission
comes along with waste
0 Mt
Management costs
are incurred
0 bn €/year
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Main Enzymatic Recycling Process:

Plastic waste

causes a massive burden for our planet. Mankind produces 27.1 million tons per year of plastic waste and only 31.1 % can be recycled! About two third of plastic waste are landfilled or incinerated. These huge amounts of waste come along with a CO2 emission of 6.7 millions tons per year. Not to forget about the economic impact: the management of plastic waste causes costs of more than 19.3 billion Euros per year.

Our Solution

ENZYCLE looks for new enzymatic processes to treat and to recycle plastic fractions that could not be recycled before. Our experts will select appropriate enzymes that have the potential to degrade non-recylced plastic fractions, produce these enzymes in a bioreactor and test them for their suitability in industrial applications.

Target materials:

Our Impact

ENZYCLE will valorize a large and currently hard-to-treat fraction of plastic waste!
  • Decrease of non-biodegradable polymers sent to disposal or discharged to the environment
  • Reduced costs of plastic recycling
  • Creation of new bio-based value chain
  • Creation of new markets
  • Increased range of feedstocks that are able to be effectively and sustainably processed through biocatalytic systems
Partner from 6 European countries
Million EUR budget from BBI-JU
Million EUR project volume
0 Mt
Months of research
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